The Game & DJ Skee – Hood Morning: Candy Coronas


Game & DJ Skee – Hoodmorning

The following is a DJ Skee presentation…” That’s pretty much all you need to hear and you know it’s gonna be a winning ticket. When The Game and Skee get together their mixtape track record speaks for itself — they make classics. HOODMORNING [NO TYPO]: CANDY CORONAS is no different, which means that in the last 16 months since Game dropped “The Red Room” mixtape he’s dropped four classic mixtapes (6 if you consider ‘Purp & Patron’ was a double-CD followed by a bonus disc) to hold his fans over as they patiently (and impatiently) waited for the R.E.D. Album.

Following in the footsteps of his previous 3 mixtapes, HOOD MORNING: CANDY CORONAS is more of a street album with strong-arm production + endless features. And like ALL Game mixtapes, it comes with a little controversy, a lot of subliminals, even more direct shot and even more name-dropping… but that’s why we love Game. It’s always entertaining and always quality